Chapel & Chaplaincy Opportunities
The Library's chapel is a quiet space where people can pray and reflect either on their own or in a group. There are daily services and everybody is welcome to attend with seating available for forty people. Groups of all denominations are welcome to use the chapel as a retreat venue on a residential or daily basis.
The chapel provides a discreet spirituality from day to day like the "quiet breathing of the house". The ethos of the Library and chapel is deliberately inclusive and people are accepted as they are, irrespective of their gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity or religious background.
Chaplaincy Opportunities
We are looking for Chaplains who are ‘inclusive’ in nature and ecumenical in spirit. They will become ‘temporary members of staff’ during their residency. They receive free dinner, bed and breakfast at the library in return for some minimal duties. The Library is host to clergy and laity of both sexes and from many traditions. It was Gladstone’s intention that his Library be an inclusive Christian community. We understand this to mean that all are welcome regardless of gender, race, class, sexual orientation or religious affiliation. The Chaplain would be expected to be at ease with this inclusive ethos.
The terms of our trust require that we use Anglican liturgy but there is no requirement for the Chaplain to be Anglican. We have had Chaplains from many denominations: Lutherans, Moravians, Mennonites, Methodists, Baptists and Presbyterians...
We ask that you commit to being Chaplain for a full calendar month. Offers of two or even three months are also welcome. At present, there are no vacancies for 2011 and only a few for 2012. Bookings for 2013 are now being taken.
The normal weekly duties are as follows:
To participate in chapel rota - usually leading chapel services two/three days per week. If the Warden or the other regular celebrants are away, you will be asked to take additional weekday services.
The Chaplain will be expected to be on duty up to five times a week. On weekdays, your duty begins just before 5.00pm. On Saturday and Sunday, your duty starts at 2.00pm.
Duty requires you to be on the premises at all times and available to guests. It includes answering the telephone from dinner to lock up, booking in any arrivals (please check with reception for details before 5.00pm on weekdays and before 2.00pm at weekends) and undertaking the security round (lock up) of the building at 10.00pm.
Otherwise, all that is required is to be a ‘benign presence’ in the Library supporting the residential staff when necessary. In return for these minimal duties, the Chaplain will be given dinner, bed and continental breakfast free of charge. We only ask you to pay for extras – lunch, tea and coffee, cakes and biscuits, cooked breakfast, wine, laundry etc.
If the Chaplain is accompanied by his/her partner, the cost of the partner’s lodging will be at the minimal cost (in 2010, £30 per day for dinner, bed and continental breakfast) – lunch, drinks throughout the day and other extras will have to be paid for and can be purchased from our Coffee Shop.
For information and details of availability, please contact the Warden, Peter Francis at [email protected]