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Support Gladstone's Library

When William Gladstone established his Library, he wanted to ensure that anyone who would benefit from a period of study there should not be prevented from doing so by financial constraint. Our scholarship programme goes some way to answering this need but we also offer bursaries which allow people to stay at the Library at a highly subsidised rate. This concession is aimed not just at students but is for anyone who would otherwise be unable to afford a period of study at the Library.

The bursary rate is currently £30.00 per person per night for dinner, bed, continental breakfast and full use of the Library's facilities. Partners and children are also welcome to stay at the bursary rate.

To apply for a bursary, please write to the Warden, Peter Francis at [email protected] outlining:

  • your specific area of research
  • what you hope to achieve during your residency
  • why you are undertaking this research: i.e. PhD, Masters, publication, private study, Open University degree, sabbatical etc.
  • your preferred dates of study at the Library
  • a brief C.V. with the names and addresses of two academic referees.

Latest News

Gladstone’s Library in Hawarden is holding a book launch event for award-winning ... Continue Reading...
Wednesday, 13th July 2011

While in residence at Gladstone's Library, one of the world's great research ... Continue Reading...
Friday, 1st July 2011

Latest Tweets

It's the start of the Gladstone Conference today at Gladstone's Library, so we're celebrating all things Gladstone this weekend!
8:16 a.m. jul 15

Site news: Book Launch to celebrate Gladstone’s Library inspired book
10:17 a.m. jul 13