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Reading Room Regulations

Reading room
  1. The Reading Rooms are open to non-residents from Monday-Saturday inclusive from 9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. and to residents daily from 9.00 a.m. - 10 p.m.
  2. Non-residents are asked to enter and leave by the front door (not by the side entrance) and are not allowed in areas reserved for residents.
  3. Non-residents wishing to use the Reading Rooms must sign in at Reception on arrival and sign out on departure.
  4. Under no circumstances may cases, bags, food or drink be taken into the Reading Rooms. These may be left in Reception or the cloakrooms at their owner's risk. Transparent carrier bags may be purchased from Reception.
  5. Desks may not be reserved. Residents have priority in the use of desks and of books.
  6. The withdrawal of books: Withdrawal booklets will be found throughout the Reading Rooms. Both parts of the slip should be completed. Tear off the right hand portion and place it in the space from which the book was taken. Leave the left hand part of the slip in the booklet.
  7. Non-residents may not remove books from the Reading Rooms. Residents are permitted to take books to their bedrooms.
  8. Desks should be cleared and books returned to the Enquiry Desk at the end of each visit. Please do not replace books on the shelves yourself.
  9. Silence is to be observed in the Reading Rooms. Please be considerate of other users at all times.
  10. Smoking is not permitted anywhere on the premises.
  11. Do not leave valuable items unattended. All personal belongings are left at the owner's risk.
  12. Laptop computers may be used in the Reading Rooms. Power points are located in the floor.
  13. Mobile phones should be switched off before entering the Reading Rooms.
  14. The Library is closed for a fortnight over the Christmas period as well as for Founder's Day and other special occasions. Notice will normally be given of any such closure but anyone travelling from a distance should telephone in advance to confirm that the Library will be open.

The Warden and the Librarian reserve the right to refuse admittance to the Library.

Revised: July 2010

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