Looking for St Deiniol's Library

Marketing Assistant

Posted: Thursday, 21st April 2011

Marketing Assistant (P/T)

Hours: 9 hours per week                Salary: £10.00 per hour

Gladstone's Library is looking for a creative and conscientious graduate who is in tune with its  'liberal values' (religious, political and cultural) whose main task will be to promote and market the Library’s facilities and programme of events to existing and new users. The Marketing Assistant will be responsible to the Warden and will be expected to work closely with the existing team on the implementation of the Library’s twelve-month marketing strategy, ensuring that all aspects of the Library’s work are publicised in the most appropriate manner.

The successful applicant will have strong organisational skills, excellent verbal and written communication skills and be experienced in using social media and Microsoft Office programmes. He/She should be reliable, have an eye for detail and a flexible approach to their work.

The Marketing Assistant will be expected to carry out the following duties:

·      Prepare and distribute press releases

·      Prepare flyers and other promotional material

·      Prepare and distribute regular Library e-newsletter

·      Monitor and analyse web/e-mail campaign data

·      Liaise with external agencies

·      Update the Library website on a regular basis (generating content/news stories, blogging etc.)

·      Update the Library’s presence on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites on a regular basis

·      Attend special events at the Library

·      Attend events at other venues as Library representative when required

·      Monitor accommodation, conference and course bookings

·      Carry out any other marketing/PR duties as required by the Library team


Gladstone’s Library is Britain’s only Prime Ministerial library and its finest residential library. It houses a world-class collection which attracts visitors from a variety of backgrounds and many parts of the world. All are welcome at the Library regardless of gender, race, class, sexual orientation or religious affiliation. All members of staff are expected to be at ease with this inclusive ethos.

The post is part-time for nine hours per week. The days of the week on which these hours are worked are negotiable. A stakeholder pension scheme is available to all employees. Holiday entitlement is 21 days per annum (pro rata).

To apply, please send a letter of application and your CV to [email protected] with the name and contact details of two referees. The closing date for applications is Monday 2nd May. Interviews will be held on Monday 9th May. If shortlisted for interview, you will be asked to write a short piece of 250 words describing an aspect of the Library’s programme.

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